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Nurturing Children through Fun & Learning

Safe, clean, educational, and professional

The Little Mud Puddles Learning Center is open Monday-Friday from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Developmentally appropriate practices are used in each classroom to teach academics, expose children to various social settings, and encourage creative minds. Our curriculum covers all areas of the children’s development and focuses on the process of an activity rather than the finished product. These areas are separated in eight (8) main groups as described below:

Intellectual Growth

We help the children with problem solving skills and distinguish between cause and effect. We also teach academics such as the alphabet, shapes, colors and numbers.



We encourage originality in all areas of the curriculum to enhance each child’s imagination. We offer dramatic play, music, science and developmental materials. Creative art activities are offered such as painting, collage materials, pudding art and play-dough.

Fine and Gross Motor Skills


We provide an environment that develops gross motor skills such as climbing, bike riding, etc., and fine motor skills such as handwriting to prepare children for kindergarten. These skills are carefully planned play, indoors and out, into all areas of the curriculum. The child’s physical and mental abilities are developed in a coordinated fashion.

Communication Skills


We encourage the children to express their feelings and thoughts through words. Communication and language development are enhanced by consistent exposure to books, story time, flannel boards, acting out through use of puppetry, making up their own stories and telling those stories through verbal communication and creative art.

Science, Math and Cooking Skills


Science activities are planned weekly. The children learn to discover and explore their world through simple hands-on activities that teach science. We provide experiences that allow for children to observe, describe, discuss, predict, compare, connect and more! The children will also prepare their own snack once a week. Good nutrition will be emphasized and taught through cooking projects.

We provide many opportunities for the children to engage in math activities. Our program helps children build a strong foundation in math concepts. We use manipulatives, music, rhymes, etc., to teach counting, comparisons, patterning, sequencing, matching, sorting, problem solving, and pre-kindergarten geometry skills.

"Little Mud Puddles uses three research based programs: Hooked on Phonics and Handwriting without Tears to enrich our Pre-Kindergarten Program and The Creative Curriculum for Preschool – Teaching Strategies, LLC. for our entire program"
Sharing Through Play


Sharing is the basis of social development for children. In order to develop self-esteem, children must be aware of others and learn to respect both themselves and their peers.

Hooked on Phonics

With our small group tutoring classes, your child can learn to read independently with individualized attention from our Certified Hooked on Phonics Teacher. Lessons are structured to be fun and rewarding for children. The small group instructional model enables them to learn at their own pace while feeling success at every step.

Handwriting Without Tears


Get Set For School By Handwriting Without Tears is a multi-sensory readiness program we use here at Little Mud Puddles. The program provides fun, hands on learning for writing, letter recognition, language, literacy and math. The activities and lessons are deliberately placed in an order to create successful building blocks and a foundation of skills to create a stress free learning environment that is successful for all.

The Creative Curriculum for Preschool- Teaching Strategies, LLC.


The Creative Curriculum for Preschool features exploration and discovery as a way of learning. The most important goal of an early childhood curriculum is to help children become enthusiastic learners to encourage children to be active and creative and not afraid to try out their ideas and to think their own thoughts. The curriculum will help children become independent, self-confident, inquisitive learners and teaches them how to learn in preschool and throughout their lives. Children will learn at their own pace and in the ways that are best for them. In doing so they develop good habits and attitudes, particularly a positive sense of themselves.


Other Enrichment Programs

(additional costs will apply)

All classes are 1/2 hour sessions and are held on site with experienced teachers.

  • Big Kicks Soccer: Tuesdays, beginning at 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 

Connect Online

Parent Online Viewing

We help families stay
connected by providing
online viewing through a
secure online
monitoring service.

If you are an enrolled family,
call or 
email your center
director for access
information or questions.

Schedule A Tour

We welcome you to
visit Little Mud Puddles!

Program Highlights

34072 Fremont Blvd.
Fremont, CA 94555

Phone (510) 791-6158


Darlene Johnston


Open Monday – Friday
7:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Closed on major holidays

License # 010215677

Copyright © 2021 1 Core Solution

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